
Step7YoucannowrunCydiafromyourhomescreen.Remember,theappwillalertyouaboutwhenit'ssafetoopenCydia.DONOTrespringviaCydia.Youmustuse ...,g0blinisasemi-untetheredjailbreakfor64-bitA7-A9devicesrunningiOS10.3.x.g0blinworksbysideloadinganIPAusingtoolslikeCydiaImpactor.,2018年1月13日—g0blinisasemi-untetheredjailbreakfor64-bitA7-A9devicesrunningiOS10.3.x.g0blinworksbysideloadinganIPAusingCydiaImpactor....

Download G0blin Jailbreak for iOS 10.3-10.3.3 for 64

Step 7 You can now run Cydia from your home screen. Remember, the app will alert you about when it's safe to open Cydia. DO NOT respring via Cydia. You must use ...


g0blin is a semi-untethered jailbreak for 64-bit A7-A9 devices running iOS 10.3.x. g0blin works by sideloading an IPA using tools like Cydia Impactor.


2018年1月13日 — g0blin is a semi-untethered jailbreak for 64-bit A7-A9 devices running iOS 10.3.x. g0blin works by sideloading an IPA using Cydia Impactor.

G0blin iOS10.3.x~10.3.3越狱64位官方版RC2发布[传统越狱 ...

2018年1月3日 — 1:有Cydia 工作正常 · 2:支持插件安装 · 3:Substrate生效 · 4:部分RootApp不能工作 ...


2024年1月21日 — ... work-in-progress jailbreak for iOS 10.3.x (A7-A9) - g0blin/README.md at master · Sticktron/g0blin. ... Cydia by Jay Freeman (saurik). shoutouts.

Sticktrong0blin: a work-in

2024年1月21日 — ipa file from g0blin.sticktron.net. Install using Cydia Impactor. tips. if the Cydia icon is hidden you can fix it by adding a new key ...

[help] how do i remove the g0blin jailbreak completely ...

2018年8月28日 — Cydia Eraser will absolutely remove everything from your phone though (like back to manufacturer state). It's recommended to back up with ...

[iOS10越獄]iOS 10.3~10.3.3越獄工具g0blin出現,不支援 ...

少數GUI Tweaks會導致閃退現象,例如 BytaFonts 2、 Cydia Eraser等。 goblin支援版本與設備. iPhone 5S(10.3 – 10.3.3 ...


